Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Women's Day Special !! Gadgets for Women.

Women's Day Special !! Gadgets for Women.
Women are the real architects of society. – Harriet Beecher Stowe

On this special day, let's check out some cool, trendy and fashionable gadgets solely dedicated to all the beautiful ladies. 

Best five chosen  special gadgets and wearable techs for women.

So lets countdown begin.

 1. Polaroid Snap


Polaroid licensee C&A Marketing has spent the past few years developing compelling products, such as the Cube action cam and Zip mobile printer , that combine modern camera technology with hints of nostalgia for the 75-year-old brand. The Polaroid Snap, announced at this week's IFA trade show in Germany, follows suit.
In fact, the pocket-sized instant camera looks a lot like the company's Zip printer , which is less than an inch thick and about 3 inches high by 5 inches wide (23 by 74 by 120mm). However, instead of printing photos sent to it wirelessly from a smartphone or tablet, the Snap has a basic built-in 10-megapixel digital camera.


2. Vinaya necklace

The jewellery connects to your iPhone via an app, and will vibrate when you receive an 'important message', helping you tune out the unimportant notifications, such as a WhatsApp group message, or Candy Crush game invitation (for example).
The concept is to make managing your digital life more simple, giving you the ability to tune out 'notification noise'.
It connects to your smartphone using Bluetooth Low Energy, and the app allows you to specify (by keyword or person) which emails, texts or calls filter through to the Altruis stone.


3. Parrot Zik 3 wireless headphones

The new Zik 3 are a gorgeous pair of cans from the inside out. The exterior is cloaked in leather stitched in different available designs, including a diamond stitch pattern and a crocodile-style texture that’s pretty striking. The cans will also come in several different colors at launch — including classic black, emerald green, ivory, brown, and a brash tone of candy-apple red — along with some extra padding on the band for added comfort. But as you might guess, it’s what’s under the hood that makes these headphones really stand out.

Parrot has added some seriously state-of-the-art new features, not the least of which is wireless charging via a specialized stand, claimed to offer an impressive 18 hours of runtime on just a two-hour charge. Naturally, the Zik 3 offer NFC touch pairing for Bluetooth with compatible devices, and advanced active noise cancelling that can run with full isolation, or be switched into “Street Mode” to let in some of the ambient sound around you for the sake of safety.


4. Apple Watch Hermès

Apple has been pushing hard to get the fashion crowd to fall for the Apple Watch. So far it’s been rough going, but it may have just figured out a way.
At today’s Apple product event (Sept. 9) in San Francisco, the company revealed that it’s partnering with French luxury house Hermès to release an Apple Watch with a custom Hermès interface. Three different bands, handmade by Hermès in France, will be available in the label’s high-end leather when the watches start appearing in select stores on October 5.


5. Rebecca Minkoff notification bracelet

At first glance, the strikingly handsome pieces look like any other bauble that can easily complement and elevate your wrist game; however, the contemporary​ jewelry actually serves as your iPhone’s best friend. Adorned with a gold chain-link and black pyramid studs, the Notification Bracelet ($120; rebeccaminkoff.com) works as an on-point personal assistant and uses Bluetooth technology to vibrate each time incoming calls and texts come into your mobile device. Similarly, the Lighting Cable Bracelet ($58; rebeccaminkoff.com) sports a sleek black leather strap and gold clasp that while stylish also hides a USB connector that you can use to charge your phone.

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